King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation
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A sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.Panhandle Slim Art Show and Sale
Art for Folk
09.07.24 - 10.05.24
The Beach Institute is thrilled to announce a special pop-up art exhibit and sale featuring Panhandle Slim's vibrant and thought-provoking work. The exhibit will be held in the Main Gallery and showcase a mix of new pieces and beloved favorites.
The exhibit opens on September 7th at noon and will run through September 15th. A portion of the proceeds from this event will benefit the King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation and the African Diaspora Museology Institute (ADMI), supporting their ongoing efforts to preserve and celebrate African American history and culture.
The Art of William Tolliver
Main Gallery
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming art exhibit showcasing stunning pieces from our esteemed permanent collection by none other than the legendary William Tolliver.
For decades, William Tolliver's captivating compositions, vibrant colors, and profound narratives have mesmerized art enthusiasts.
Now, you have the opportunity to experience his masterpieces up close and personal.
Main Gallery of The Beach Institute
The Quilting code
In Celebration of Black American History, The Beach Institute, presents a profound exhibit of Quilts linked to the Underground Railroad.
Discover the Codes & Symbols that Enslaved People devised to navigate the challenges of Self-Emancipation during the Antebellum Era.
Main Gallery of The Beach Institute
The Greatest story ever told
Explore the talents of Rudolph Valentino Bostic. This exhibit showcases the passionate, colorful, energetic and compelling artistry of this innovative native Savannahian. Bostic's paintings are located in the
Penthouse Gallery of the Beach Institute.
Donated by the Sotille Family & The Hurn Museum of Comtemporary Folk Art, Savannah, GA.
Add te here.
The W.W. Law Art Collection
Garden Level Art Galery of the Beach Institute and The King Tisdell Cottage Museum 2021
Westley Wallace “W. W.” Law (1923-2002) was a prominent Civil Rights leader, local historian, historic preservationist, and community leader in Savannah, Georgia. After a forty-year career as a mail carrier for the U. S. Postal Service and twenty-six years as President of the Savannah Chapter of the NAACP, Law turned his focus and efforts to preserving Savannah’s African American community through its history, art, architectural and cultural landmarks
Mr. W. W. Law established
The Savannah-Yamacraw Branch of the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History (ASALH),
The King-Tisdell Cottage Museum,
Beach Institute African American Cultural Center,
The Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum, and
The Negro Heritage Trail Tour.
Through the King-Tisdell Cottage and the Beach Institute, W. W. Law featured the work of emerging African American artists, as well as works featuring local Savannah scenes. His personal collection of original artwork and prints (including those featured here) reflects these efforts, as well as the personal friendships that came about from them.
Annual Savannah Black Heritage Festival Exhibition
February 2021
The National Alliance of Artists from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (NAAHBCU) is a flourishing arts organization by name and service. It is the second-largest, and perhaps the most active African American arts organization in the United States. The overwhelming number of artists within the organization are either working at or have taught or studied in art departments and programs at historically black colleges and universities in America.
Visit us at the Beach Institute to enjoy their exhibit, curated by Dr. Peggy Blood from Savannah State University in partnership with The Black Heritage Festival.
Folk art in the twenty-first century continues to stay on message: art must be comprehensible and must convey meaning to the viewing public.
The new century has introduced a second generation of folk artists who have lost their sense of isolation so prevalent among the now famous, former generation.
These new young artists, immersed in an electronically connected world, are rendering more complex messages about everyday life,, religious beliefs and the increasing anxieties afflicting modern man.
See for yourself!
Second floor gallery
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